Signs Of Myself

MarilouArticles 2 Comments

In May of 2019 we made a trip to Los Angeles, California to attend our daughter's graduation from the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts. Our 6th floor Airbnb was within walking distance from a Starbucks, which we took advantage of for breakfast during our stay. After getting my Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino one morning, I was attempting, albeit not too successfully, to peel the wrapper off the straw. I grasped that wrapper with purpose and tore it but only a tiny piece came off. It fell unnoticed to the table. I made a second attempt, yielding the same results. Another tiny piece tore off. It also fell unnoticed. The third attempt achieved the results I was aiming for. After freeing the straw from the wrapper, implementing it into the cup, and taking a long, sweet sip of my Starbucks, I glanced down and something caught my eye.

On the table there was a perfectly shaped heart made by those first two errant pieces of wrapper. I was so amazed by what I was seeing right before my eyes I had to take a picture.

Since then there have been numerous occasions where the shape of a heart will appear. The hearts are the signs of who I am; someone who wears her heart on her sleeve. They remind me to keep being myself.

Below are a couple pictures of hearts that have appeared.

A heart shaped M & M in a trail mix.
A dab of butter we occasionally give to our cat in her treat bowl, which she had inadvertently licked into a shape of a heart. She loves butter. We love her. 😍
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What a cool reading!