Mountain Vacation

MarilouArticles 2 Comments

When it comes to taking a vacation, forget all the tourist traps. My preference is to go where there isn't going to be a crowd of people and to do simple things that don't cost much, if anything at all.

I don't know where this place is located or who took this photo but this is one place I'd go to for a break from the rat race. I'd get on one of those swings, even in the rain, and swing high and free. It would be exhilarating, to feel the rush of the cool, fresh, mountain air and the raindrops on my face. And I'd stop everything for a moment and simply soak up the majestic vista of those mountains and the wisps of clouds floating below their peaks. Afterwards, I'd pull out a picnic lunch, a simple fare that had been packed in an ice chest, and consume it leisurely at that table. Then I'd go home.

This is what I call a vacation.

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You know… I could go with you!