Mother's Day Celebration

One way to show your mother how much she means to you is to send her a lovely Mother's Day card and this beautiful bouquet of flowers!

Save this flower bouquet image to your phone and send it in a text message. Check out the Mother's Day Text Greeting Card below.

Text Greeting Cards

A Text Greeting Card is a static (non-animated) image of a card and envelope that you save to your phone and send in a text message. Check out the latest Text Greeting Cards below.

Mother's Day

Text Flower Bouquets

A Text Flower Bouquet is a static (non-animated) image of a flower bouquet that you save to your phone and send in a text message. Check out these popular Text Flower Bouquets.

Art Therapy

Coloring Page Example

This simple Spring flowers coloring page is a lot of fun to color, for both kids and adults! The image above is an example of colors to use but, of course, you can use whatever colors you want to. Enjoy coloring!

Coloring Page

PDF file size: 76 KB

Mobile Wallpapers

This mobile wallpaper is a rendition of bluebell flowers carpeting a forest floor in the Spring. It is absolutely gorgeous when installed on the phone!

Click on the image to access and save the wallpaper.

Image size: 1170 x 2532 px

The deviation from my normal, morning coffee to an equally invigorating English Breakfast cup of tea inspired the creation of this mobile wallpaper.

Click on the image to access and save the wallpaper.

Image size: 1170 x 2532 px

Desktop Wallpapers

Imagining that the man casting his fishing line into the stream is in his retirement age, this desktop wallpaper thus gives me the impression that age can be quite enjoyable.

Click on the image to access and save the wallpaper.

Image size: 1920 x 1080 px

The irresistibly gradient colorfulness of this image charmed me into turning it into a desktop wallpaper.

Click on the image to access and save the wallpaper.

Image size: 1920 x 1080 px

Some Fun Stuff


What 5-letter word typed in all capital letters can be read the same upside down?


What caused the first computer bug?

Ambient Relaxation

Use headphones for best results.
Yep! I would definitely open the window when it's raining! Love this ambience!


Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together.
Thomas Carlyle